Youth Ministry

I am thankful for the position God has place me in at Harvest Church. He has place me and my wife in a place where we can impact the lives of teenagers.

Over the past few years, God has taught me many things. He has often used certain people to teach me different lessons that he wants me to learn. I am thankful for those people. Just to list a few (in no particular order): Bill Baldwin, Harry Jones, Dwight Mabry, John Huneycutt, Jesse Herring, Daniel and Helen Seagraves, Ruby Benge, Karen Marthers, Robert and Wendy Britt, and Lonnie Bateman. These individuals have taught me what it means to be a youth leader.

Now, I get an opportunity to serve with my wife alongside Wilson and Tessa Moore and Jimmy and Laura Anderson. We have an awesome youth group that is growing in the Lord. Over the past year, these teens have come a long way. They learned so much about the Bible, loving and caring for others, worshipping the God of creation, and so much more!

It means so much to me to see these guys growing in faith. God is truly raising them up to be worshippers, disciples,  and servants. God is adding more and more youth to our group every month! It is so great to see visitors come into our weekly youth meeting.

God loves young people so much and He can really use them for the building of His kingdom. And it is an honor to be used by God to train these teens up in the love and power of Jesus’ name.

I love and care for each of the youth that I get to serve with!

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