Heartbleed Bug Causes Serious Security Issue for Everyone

Heartbleed LogoOn Monday, April 7th a very serious internet security bug was discovered. This bug affects nearly two-thirds of all internet websites. The bug is called Heartbleed and it causes a vulnerability in the OpenSSL cryptographic library.

Everyone should know what the Heartbleed bug is, how it affects them, and what they need to do about it.

How bad is the Heartbleed bug?

Heartbleed is being considered one of the Internet’s biggest security threats since it has been around for two years, but it was only recently discovered.

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Give Real Gifts on Facebook

source: mashable.com

Facebook Gifts make giving last-minute gifts easier than ever. This new feature allows users to pick a gift from a list of approved retailers. Currently, vendors such as “Starbucks, Gund teddy bears, and Magnolia Bakery are among the retailers included at launch”. Now, people are able to celebrate their Facebook friends’ birthdays in a different way other than “saying ‘Happy Birthday,’ ‘Congratulations,’ or simply, ‘I’m thinking of you,’ “. Users are able to select, purchase, and “ship real-world presents” in a small amount of time; they do not even have to leave the Facebook site. [1]

When sending a gift, the buyer can choose to give the gift publicly (shared with friends on their Timeline) or privately. The recipient immediately receives a notification with a “digital greeting card and preview of the Continue reading Give Real Gifts on Facebook

What is Google+


Google+ is a new social networking site that Google released in June 2011.  It includes a lot of Google services within the site. I anticipate Google has a lot more in store for Google+. It offers the flexibility and customization that Facebook is missing.

You can join Google+ at https://plus.google.com. However, at this time, you may need a need an invite to get started. If so, send me and email and I will send you and invitation.

UPDATE: You no longer need an invitation to sign up…Just head over and  join Google+ at https://plus.google.com.


Hangout allows you to easily video chat with a group of friends…an instant virtual hangout.


Set your preferences and privacy settings.

Circles (aka “friend” groups)

Circles places your friends in groups so that you can share what you want with who you want.

Mobile APP

App currently available for Android. iOS app coming soon. You can also visit http://m.google.com/plus.

UPDATE: iOS version is now available!


Huddle provides a group chat feature.

In the comment box, let me know what you think about this new service.