LG has introduced this video of people getting a big scare thanks to the company’s high-res monitors.
To show off just how life-like the picture on its monitors can be, the company re-fitted the bottom of an elevator with the screens. The brand then recorded people’s reactions as the monitors — screens pointed up — displayed what looked like the bottom of the elevator floor dropping out. True, you could probably do that with a lot of monitors, but LG thought of it first. –source
Category: Videos
Caught in Your Eyes
I love the song “Caught in Your Eyes” by Josh Baldwin
I.…I settled for second best.
Settled for emptiness…I settled for lies.
But You…You took apart my chest.
Filled it with holiness…You filled it with life.Your love is taking.
Th pieces breaking.
From my heart and making them oneI’m caught in Your eyes.…Caught in Your eyes.
Captured and won, coming undone.
Living to die.
Caught in Your eyes…Caught in Your eyes.
Lost in the chase, caught by Your grace.
Given new life…Caught in Your eyes.You.…You stepped in my hollow heart.
You came to light my dark and open my eyes.
I am wanting much more of You.
Wanting to love You too.
And wanting to fly.
http://joshbaldwin.com/ | http://www.reverbnation.com/joshbaldwin
Prayer For Transformation
God, make Yourself real to me. Transform my life in a mighty way. Change me from who I am today, and make me into who You desire for me to be. I am not perfect. I mess up all of the time. Even though You do not like for me to disobey, You still love me unconditionally. Your love never fails me. Your love is perfect and pure. I can always count on you to be there for me. Even when I let go of your hand, You never let go of mine; Your hand stills holds tight. Thank You for Your love!
Let us know; let us press on to know the Lord;
his going out is sure as the dawn;
he will come to us as the showers,
as the spring rains that water the earth.
-Hosea 6:3
It’s Your Choice
#follow or #unfollow ….What do you do? You have a decision to make. Should you follow Jesus or turn away from Him? Your choice affects you for all eternity…
If you would like to follow Jesus and have a relationship with Him, please contact me.
God, Chisel Me
In our daily lives, we go through so much pain and struggle. Through trials and tribulation, we forget how important we are to God, and we forget how much God loves us. We put on the weight of the world more and more each day. We let the what others say and think about us define who we are. We neglect to remember who we realy are–who God MADE us to be.
“Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” -Matthew11:29
REMEMBER: You ARE God’s original masterpeice.
“When God chisels the dead weight out of our lives it can be very painful.” -The Skit Guys
Touching Story
This kid really know the truth!
Part 2 of Funny Videos
This is part 2 of funny videos. Click here to see part 1.
The below video is the rap version of this video.
Funny Videos
This is part 1 of funny videos. Click here to see part 2.
Video Blog For Paige
visit: http://MatthewAndPaige.com
The Truth About Creation and Evolution
The truth about Creation and evolution is finally out….
PART 1/3
PART 2/3